Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Beta results from IUI #1 are in

And as expected....it is a Negative (so onto month 17 of TTCing). The nurse was so sad about having to call and tell us this news, but it came as no surprise. I am glad Andrew and I had discussed it over the weekend, so we are both feeling optimistic about the next round. One problem.....vacation. It seems IUI will probably be needed the week we are on vacation, although we are not sure at this point nor will we really be until the time arrives. I am going to authorization and all and plan like we'll be here and hoping it will work out. I'd really like to get a chance this month.

Either way..yes or no this month.....we have a reconsult with the Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) on the 25th to develop a plan for after the two natural IUIs. He initially felt so sure these would work since we have no underlying medical issues that the next step wasn't really discussed. I have no idea what would be best for us and since I know insurance only helps with a limited number of IUIs (per lifetime) and in order to change options there are steps you must go through for the insurance, so after one or two failed IUIs naturally, we want to sit and chat again about this. Plus, Andrew has been unable to come so far and this visit he will be able to go and talk to the doctor too---which I think will help his understanding of some things as well.

So that is where we are at.....feeling optimistic this month with the future. Some months this can't be said.

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