Wednesday, September 26, 2007

RE Consult--CHECK

So, Andrew was able to make it to meet with the RE yesterday and I think it was a big help to both of us and also to help us figure out what we are comfortable doing to get pg. I think we have a plan laid out for at least this cycle and the 2 following. After that, I'll need to think a little more about the path. There is a chance I have some endometriosis and this could be the cause of our problems. But there is no way to know with out doing a laproscopy, so if after the next 3 cycles I am not pg, I'll think about it and talk to the nurse about what would be best. Just not sure and crossing fingers we don't have to find out.

I am feeling better, not totally optimistic for this last unmedicated IUI, but good about upping the aggression in treatments. With a limit of 6 IUIs covered by the insurance and this weeks being #2....that is a factor.

We'll see. Wish us luck this weekend.

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