Thursday, January 10, 2008

Protocol Updates

Andrew went in yesterday to provide a sample to test the white blood cells. We are hoping it (whatever it was) has cleared up and is no longer an issue. If it is, he will have to go to an urologist, but it should be treated with antibiotics. Who knows. We'll know in a day or two.

While he was there, he was able to talk to the RE about our situation and the doctor is still totally optimistic that this protocol will work for us. He doesn't even want to talk about changing until we have completed two more IUIs with the meds. He is always so positive that it really helps us cope.

Also, Andrew and I discussed his upcoming travel and he agreed that if he needed to he could not go on the trip in January. Made me feel a ton better and optimistic once again about this cycle.

We just need good we'll see.

So, today the plan for IUI #3a is 25mg clomid/follistim/ovidrel and IUI!!!

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