Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Let's see, I am 7dpiui now, so this is when it gets tough. Yes, I so don't think I am pg, but the last week tends to make all of us infertiles analyze every hiccup, ache, twinge, feeling of sickness until we convince ourselves there is hope. And yes, I am starting to do this. I've maintained good self control as I know the supplements I am on are a big TRICK to the body and heck what are the odds the 900,000 swimmers some how had success this cycle when the 30 plus million couldn't succeed months ago....but of course I ate breakfast thins morning then felt a twinge of nausea and here I am. I am so trying to not get wrapped up in it this time....but it is hard!!!!

Andrew heads to the urologist tomorrow and we scheduled a consult with Dr. S for Valentine's Day where we will most likely be discussing the IVF process. I think we both feel given our current situation....it is our only option and I think we are both on board with that. Dr. S has mentioned it several times with our recent MF issues and we tend to agree. So we will hopefully be heading there soon.

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