Friday, January 11, 2008

RE Conversation Part 1

So, RE called last night and talked to Andrew and I both. (This is called Part 1, because he is supposed to call again tonight and you'll soon see why).

He began by saying he saw the report on Wed evening soon after speaking with Andrew and the sample showed no white blood cells.....YAY! So that is good. Whatever was going on last month has fixed itself, but (and you knew there was a but) when Dr. S went to pull up the other information on the sample (like count and motility) he said it looked like the wrong info got put in (like for someone else's sample). He said they have been having computer problems and he really doesn't think what was entered is Andrew's sample--and not because it is so good, but because it is SO bad. Dr. S said he would go in today and pull the hand written analysis done on the sample to check and that he will call us today with what he finds. If in fact, that is A's sample, he still wants to proceed with this cycle, but A will probably need to go to an urologist to determine the problem. And from there we will decide where to go.

I was able to talk through all of our completed cycles and here are the counts for I remember them (and I still need to ask about the 26 Dec sample, but forgot):

IUI#1 part 1- 110mil pre wash; 27 mil post
IUI #1 part2- 27 mil pre wash; 16 mil post
IUI #2- 26 mil pre wash (I think), only 2.6 mil post wash with low volume

So if I get the all clear tomorrow, we are set for this cycle. YAY, but I am hoping there was a mix up with the sample analysis, time will tell.

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