Thursday, March 20, 2008

Drum Roll-----Egg Retrieval Tomorrow

WOOHOO. So when I went in for my check yesterday, Dr. S was like, when your E2 shot up (tues afternoon) I really wasn't sure what to do with you. So we dropped your meds. The u/s yesterday showed the 12 biggest follies being between 17-23 (18 is considered mature), so that means we should get at least 12 eggs that are mature, but I also have another 10 or so behind and some of those certainly have time to catch up. Dr. S reiterated, we'll get plenty of mature eggs, but to expect a lot of immature eggs too.

He also said, I think we should go ahead and trigger tonight. YIPPEEE.....I got my confirmation call in the afternoon (although I forgot to ask my E2 level) and then I got a call to trigger at 9:30 and be at the Rockville office at 8 am on Friday for ER!!!! YAY!!! We are finally doing this!!! I feel hopeful again, it always helps to move to the next step. I am not sure I am ready for the roller coaster of the next few days though.....pending transfer, but that is how it goes.

So trigger shot......all I can say is..... NOT FUN!!!! I thought, I do sub-qs easily, they are SO no big deal and yep, the needle is bigger, but I didn't expect to be yelling hurry up at DH while he was giving me the shot as I was in pain!!!! I don't think it was the needle going in, but the meds that killed. I am SO dreading the Progesterone In Oil. If I get pg, we'll have to take for like 10 weeks.......ok, why should I say we on that. DH has the easy part. ;)

So excited.....

Stick count, went up a to 44 (since giving blood took 3 sticks yesterday), luckily today is stick free and then we are only down to one a day. But I still think I'll keep a tally!!!!

Also, this puts me in a better mental place for SIls baby who is being born today through induction. It is their first baby boy and I know Andrew is excited, heck he is at home just waiting for the news so we can head to the hospital. Maybe I'll be following behind in about 9 months........crossing my fingers.


AndyMariePhotography said...

So very exciting!! Fingers and toes crossed for you!!

Jennifer Ongoco said...

How exciting Brooke! I'm praying all goes well. Can't wait to read your ER update.

JW Moxie said...

Very exciting! I can't wait to hear your fert report!