Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stims Day 5

So, it is the morning of Day 5 of stims. Nothing to report other than my CRAZY anxiety. I am SO fearful something is going to go wrong and we won't get to egg retrieval (ER). A couple of friends over suppressed and got converted to IUI and I am overly paranoid this is going to happen to me.

I feel like tweaking with the meds is fairly normal, but it still worries me. I think this is totally normal, but it has made me a bit grumpy today. I am so looking forward to the morning to see if we are making progress. So nervous, I think I will be a wreck and so anxious in the morning. I think by tomorrow they should be developing nicely. We'll see what they tell me.

An additional stress is concern that with the increased dosage.....will I have enough meds. Since it is over a weekend, you really have to plan and it is SO hard to know. I mean, apparently in the vials there is more meds than it says, to account for priming the needle and all, so like last night I'd already used 450 from the 600 unit vial and I still got another 225 out and there is the tiniest smidge left still. It is just an extra thing to be anxious about. UGH!!!

Other news, my new job has come through and I start on 31 March....another reason I need this cycle to work. It will be much harder to do a cycle at the new job......although may be easier than I think since there is a DC office of the clinic, but I'd never see my Dr. again...... ;( That would make me sad. Anyway, that is exciting.

Stick Count---should be 23 tonight......since I'll have 2 sticks with Follistim (come on good showing on Day 6!!!!) Grow follies GROW!

1 comment:

Ariella said...

Here is some extra folicle growing dust.


Grow Folicles GROW!!!!